Sallins National School

A blog by students…for students!

Golfing in School


On the 5th of April, two men came from Killeen Golf Club to our school. Each 3rd and 4th class went to the P.E. hall at different times to learn how to play golf. There were four different stations set up in the hall waiting for us to play golf. At the first station we practiced driving (using a club not a car!!). At the second station we learned how to low chip, we had to hit a ball at an object on the ground. At the third station we were high chipping the ball, this meant hitting the ball high towards the yellow target. At the last station we practiced our putting. We even got off some homework because our teacher had two good shots!! We know we were very lucky to have this experience. It was BRILLIANT!!!!!!

Caoimhe 3rd class & Daniel 4th class



Anyone for Golf???

We had lots of fun on Tuesday, 5th of April when Brian and Justin came to our school to teach us about golf. It was a great experience for everyone and especially for newcomers to golf. Brian and Justin taught us lots of things about golf. They had lots of different stations for us to go to. There was a driving range, putting, long chip shots and short chip shots.

I thought the driving range part was the most popular part out of all the stations. Thank you to Justin and Brian they were very kind to come along to our school to teach us about golf.

Paddy and Cillian

4th class.

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Working together to enjoy our ‘Five a Day’!

In Room 1 today we made fruit and vegetable smoothies!

6th Class helpers joined us and we made really tasty smoothies!


The fruit and vegetables we started with!

The fruit and vegetables we started with!

We mixed the fruit and vegetables in the big cups. We named all the foods we used.

We added apple juice and yogurt. The smoothies were delicious. Try making your own smoothies at home. Please comment on on blog!

We took photos! Some of them are a bit fuzzy! OOPS!

Look at our Gallery!

First we put the ingredients together in cups.


Finally…… CHEERS!

Junior Infants: Room 1

6th Class helpers

See you again soon!



Mrs Moreau’s Class Plant Potatoes

Hello Everybody!

We went out into the school garden this week.

We met Kevin and he helped us plant potatoes and strawberries!

We are happy. We will watch them grow.

Visit us again to see how they are growing.

Send us a comment! 🙂

Junior Infants Room 2




Little Powerful Planters!


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