On the 15th of September, trials for Cross Country took place in Sallins GAA for 4th, 5th and 6th class. The top 13 boys and top 13 girls were picked to represent the school in the competition in Celbridge AC on their marvellous cross-country track.
The race took place on Thursday the 6th of October, 3 weeks after the trials in Sallins. The girl’s race
was first and they had to run 1km. The girl’s team place in a blazing 2rd place with Zoe Fitzpatrick
placing in the top 5 individual girls.
The second race was the boys race and they had to run 1.5km. The boys team came in an
astonishing 1st place. In the top 5 individual boys were Eoin Nugent, Cillian McCarthy, Daniel Moran and Andy Fox.
Well done to the whole Sallins team – a fantastic achievement by everyone!
We, the Cross Country Team, would like to say a huge thanks to Ms. Stapleton, Ms. Shortall and Derek McConnon for giving up their time to support and encourage us all the way. Without them we wouldn’t have achieved what we did!
Sallins Abú!!!
By Daniel Moran and Zoe Fitzpatrick, 6th class