Sallins National School

A blog by students…for students!

Rang a Trí – Mé Féin- Ceisteanna Sa Bhaile!

Bígí ag cleachtadh do comhrá gaeilge sa bhaile!

Éist leis na ceisteanna agus freagair iad! Go n-éirí libh!

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APRIL 2020: Let’s Look Back! Celebrations and Fruit Smoothies.

Remember, remember…. Back in November!

On Friday 22nd November 2019, Bishop Denis celebrated with us. He blessed and officially opened  our wonderful all weather pitch, as well as the fantastic community play ground and the new garden.

That same day we all wore Green & White: The Sallins Colours!

We also met in the Friday group and made Super Fruit Smoothies! Today, 24th April 2020 we are all home schooling. We can still remember friends and look back at hundreds of BLOGS over the past years. Send us your comments and let us know how you are!

Here is a repeat of that day’s recipe: 3rd Class in Room 18.

We followed the recipe in LET’S COOK!

ISBN 978-1-4075-0482-7

For the Berry Smoothie we need:

  • 1 banana
  • Fresh raspberries and strawberries
  • Vanilla Extract
  • Milk

For the Yoghurt Smoothie we need:

  • 1 banana
  • 1 pear
  • Apple juice
  • Natural yoghurt
  • Runny honey

We started by chopping the fruits.

Next, we prepared two jugs: one with milk and vanilla and the other with yoghurt, apple juice and runny honey. Then we put the fruits into the two jugs. We took turns doing the jobs.

With the help of the adults we set up the BLENDER. It was really loud and we watched all the ingredients whiz and swirl together.


We tasted both smoothies. The milk smoothie was very smooth…. and the yoghurt smoothie was really tangy!

We all picked our favourite. Then some of us mixed them together!

It doesn’t have to be summer to enjoy smoothies with friends! Friday was a really wet day! We had all been out to the new all weather pitch in the rain! Bishop Denis blessed and opened the pitch.

Cheers! We are celebrating in Room 18!

NOW! Try these at home as the days are sunnier and we have time to be in the kitchen and the garden! Look back on your favourite blogs and share us your comments please!

Keep safe! Stay home! Wash your hands!




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