Sallins National School

A blog by students…for students!

The Christmas Plays 2020

Dear parents and families,

Welcome to the St. Laurence’s NS, Sallins, Junior Infant and Senior Infant Christmas plays for 2020.

The good thing about the plays being online this year is that you can watch them whenever you like and as well as that, extended family and friends from far and near will be able to view them too!

We hope you enjoy the shows. Just click on the videos below. Merry Christmas to you all 🎄

Junior Infants Room 1:

Junior Infants Room 2:

Junior Infants Room 3:

Senior Infants Room 4:

Senior Infants Room 5:

Senior Infants Room 6:

Music from all of the plays is from Out of the Ark Music.

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Student Council News Bulletin December 2020

The Student Council have created their first news bulletin. This month they introduce the new Student Council members from the three 3rd classes, interview Mr. Lanigan and inform you all about our recent rag day.


Rm 25 Discovering the Banana Piano

As part of Science Week, we set up a Banana Piano in the classroom. We tested the Banana Piano to see how it worked. We found out the Banana Piano works by creating a circuit. We had lots of fun. We recorded a little tune for you. We hope you enjoy it.

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Sallins School lives well with Covid19!

Room 13 have created a video about how life has changed in school as we live with and adapt to the important changes that keep us safe in Covid19 times.

We hope you enjoy our mini-television show.
Please let us know how you are getting on!

Leave a comment below!


2nd Class Rm 25 – Haunted Houses

We made Haunted Houses for Halloween. The haunted houses are all different. They look very creepy and spooky.

They were very difficult to make. We worked very hard and used our team work to do our best. We really enjoyed making them.

How we made them:
• First, in our groups, we discussed and sketched our plans.
• Next we brought in bottles, cardboard and other recycling materials.
• Then we built the haunted houses using the materials.
• After that, we painted the haunted houses.
• Finally we displayed them in the small hall for everyone to see.

Here is a video of the process. We hope you like them.

Happy Halloween

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Happy Halloween from Room 3


Room 2: Rainy Day Walk…..

We went for an ART Walk

We saw lots of Lovely paintings!

Look with us!

Room 2

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A Social Distance Song Room 13’s BUBBLE!


Listen to our song and you’ll find out how to heal the world.


It’s a happy song to entertain you during Covid 19 times!

We worked together in our PODS to make this special song.

Sing along with us today from your own BUBBLE.

We can save the planet…

One Bubble at a time!

Thank you for watching and Listening!


Duffy’s Room 13

Sallins National School

Duffy misses his visits to you!






Washing Our Hands

After just 6 weeks of settling into life at ‘big’ school, the Junior Infants have learned many new routines. They now have the ‘all important’ routine of washing their hands, before eating their lunch, down to a fine art.

Watch below to see the Junior Infants in Room 3 busy, lathering those hands!


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Sallins School Garden September 2020

Thank you to Kevin our Caretaker for keeping our gardens so beautiful and GROWING all through the months we could not be here!
We will enjoy apple Sauce made from the apples 🍎 ripe and ready to eat!
The apple cake 🧁 was yummy too! And the apple pancakes!!
As we settle back into School we look forward to helping Kevin with the harvesting!
Onions! Kale! Salads! Vegetables!
Sunflower 🌻  Seeds…. And pumpkins 🎃 in the way!
thank you Kevin!

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Mini Scientist Grand Final 👩‍🔬👩‍🔬👩‍🔬 POSTED JUNE 2020: MEMORIES

On Wednesday the 29th of January, we headed off to Maynooth University for the Intel mini scientist grand final. We got there bright and early to prepare our project, “What is the science behind Rollercoasters.” From 11:15 to 13:15, five judges came around to judge our project. They said they were very impressed with our project, especially our booklet. 🙂

As we walked through the university we were fascinated by the design of the building. We got lunch and yummy hot chocolate. After our lunch, we went back to the Aula Maxima for the awards ceremony.

We were overwhelmed when we heard our names being called out for two awards. One award for excellence in science and another for the best project booklet. We were so happy when we found out that we had the best project booklet in Ireland. We received an exquisite trophy for the school.

We had a great day out! We would like to thank Mrs Molyneaux, Mr Kennedy, our parents and our classmates for supporting us along the way.

By Ailbhe  and Lucy

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Rang a 3- An Teilifís- Cad atá ar siúl?

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Exciting news from the Green School Committee!

Hi! It’s Niamh Lenehan here from the Green Schools committee with some fantastic news.  Our school has been awarded our fourth Green Schools flag!  Well done to all of the classes for travelling to school in a green way over the past two years as often as you could!  From walking, cycling, parking and striding, carpooling and scootering people found their own enjoyable way to get to and from school. An Taisce, (who gives out the flags) even mentioned that our application was very impressive.
While on the committee, I got to see all of the great artwork done in our school, from the infant’s lovely colouring to the older classes’ creative poster designs.  Not to mention the catchy slogans!  Many students switched to a reusable bottle or told their parents about the problems of idling which was satisfying to see.  My favourite thing that we achieved was topping our number of green travellers from the start to the end of the last 24 months! This really says a lot about all our hard work.  Knowing that kids and families were influenced to have greener ways makes me really happy.  I hope you all will keep up green habits at home and convince your families to do the same. 🙂



Our Green Schools Committee


National Scoot to School Day 2020

We hope you’re all keeping active and having fun at home!


Ceisteanna- An maith leat?- Rang a trí WC 25th May 2020


Rang a 3-Aviation and Rocket Projects!

3, 2,1…Blast off!!


The children in Ms Molyneaux, Ms. Mulhern and Mr.McDonnell’s third classes have been very busy at home creating Rockets and design their own paper airplanes. They based their designs on a flying creature of their choice!

We are very proud of the hard work and creativity taking place in your own homes!

Take a look at these lovely creations!




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The Norman’s come to Room 28!

Even though we can’t be in school, the children of 3rd Class, Rm. 28, have created some fantastic Norman projects. Their teacher, Ms. Molyneaux, is hugely proud of them!

Please have a look at our projects. We really hope you enjoy them!

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Ceisteanna ‘Cad a cheannaigh tú?’ – Rang a trí W/C 18th May 2020

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Ceisteanna ‘An maith leat?’- Rang a trí

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The Secret Garden

Our very own school garden has become like a secret garden in the weeks we have been away from school.

While the school community has been in quarantine the garden has quietly grown and blossomed in our absence.

Thanks to Kevin, our fantastic caretaker who has tended to the garden so well, we have footage of how the school garden has been blooming. Click below where some students from Miss Molyneaux’s 3rd class and Mr. Kennedy’s 6th class, take us on a journey through our very own “Secret Garden”.


Rang a Trí – Mé Féin- Ceisteanna Sa Bhaile!

Bígí ag cleachtadh do comhrá gaeilge sa bhaile!

Éist leis na ceisteanna agus freagair iad! Go n-éirí libh!

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APRIL 2020: Let’s Look Back! Celebrations and Fruit Smoothies.

Remember, remember…. Back in November!

On Friday 22nd November 2019, Bishop Denis celebrated with us. He blessed and officially opened  our wonderful all weather pitch, as well as the fantastic community play ground and the new garden.

That same day we all wore Green & White: The Sallins Colours!

We also met in the Friday group and made Super Fruit Smoothies! Today, 24th April 2020 we are all home schooling. We can still remember friends and look back at hundreds of BLOGS over the past years. Send us your comments and let us know how you are!

Here is a repeat of that day’s recipe: 3rd Class in Room 18.

We followed the recipe in LET’S COOK!

ISBN 978-1-4075-0482-7

For the Berry Smoothie we need:

  • 1 banana
  • Fresh raspberries and strawberries
  • Vanilla Extract
  • Milk

For the Yoghurt Smoothie we need:

  • 1 banana
  • 1 pear
  • Apple juice
  • Natural yoghurt
  • Runny honey

We started by chopping the fruits.

Next, we prepared two jugs: one with milk and vanilla and the other with yoghurt, apple juice and runny honey. Then we put the fruits into the two jugs. We took turns doing the jobs.

With the help of the adults we set up the BLENDER. It was really loud and we watched all the ingredients whiz and swirl together.


We tasted both smoothies. The milk smoothie was very smooth…. and the yoghurt smoothie was really tangy!

We all picked our favourite. Then some of us mixed them together!

It doesn’t have to be summer to enjoy smoothies with friends! Friday was a really wet day! We had all been out to the new all weather pitch in the rain! Bishop Denis blessed and opened the pitch.

Cheers! We are celebrating in Room 18!

NOW! Try these at home as the days are sunnier and we have time to be in the kitchen and the garden! Look back on your favourite blogs and share us your comments please!

Keep safe! Stay home! Wash your hands!




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Thank you Kevin…. Our Caretaker leads us on a school garden walk….

Walk this way…..

We miss being  in school and of course we would normally be planting seeds together and tending the school garden throughout the spring. The Infant classes would be starting to play in the garden at the break-times and classes would be working at the planting boxes and recording all the wonderful new growth… Sadly we cannot be there at present….

Kevin has been tending the garden for us and we send him a very special THANK YOU!

Garden Memories 2018-2019

If you would like to view archived GARDEN posts, type the word


into the search box on the right-hand side of the screen. Click go

Now you can select and view some of our favourite garden blogs.


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National Scoot to School Week ran from March 9th to 13th 2020.

We are delighted to see so many people scooting to school especially during Scoot to School week. The Green Schools and Active Schools Committee have been encouraging everybody to travel to school in a green and active way. We are seeing so many more children walking, cycling, scooting, park and striding etc.

Wednesday March 11th was National Scoot to School Day and to mark this we invited all of the children who had scooted to school to join the Green Schools Committee for some scooter playtime in the schoolyard.

We all had lots of fun!!


Walking, cycling and all the rest,
Being green is the best.

First Session


Second Session

There was some super scooting!!!

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Mothers’s Day 2020: Here’s a treat for Mum… Heart Shaped Cookies!

Last month in our Friday group we made HEART shaped cookies. Your cookies can be any shape. Use the cookie cutters you have at home.

You can follow the recipe and make some lovely cookies for MUM. She might even like to help you in the kitchen!

You will need:

Cookie Dough:

  • 250g Plain Flour
  • 125g Butter or STORK
  • 70g Icing Sugar
  • 1tsp Vanilla Essence
  • 1tblsp milk to bind
  • OVEN 160C for 10 Mins….
  • Decorations: Sprinkles, Coloured and Silver Baubles… 100’s and 1000’s!

Set the OVEN to 160C

Cooking Time 10 Mins

  • Mix all the ingredients together to make the dough!
  • A hand held mixer is great for this.
  • Roll out the dough between two pieces of grease proof paper.
  • This way the dough does not stick to the rolling pin!
  • Cut your cookies: we used HEARTS
  • Sprinkle the cookies with decorations
  • Bake for 10 minutes!
  • Share with MUM!
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HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY from Sallins School BAND

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you all from the Wednesday Band at Sallins National School!

Last Wednesday when the band met for after school rehearsal, it had been decided that the in-school Seachtain na Gaeilge concerts and Céilí would not be held on the Thursday or Friday. This was an important and necessary decision made in light of the Covid-19 situation. We came up with the idea to hold an impromptu concert and Ms. Hennessy recorded our performances!

And now… Specially for St. Patrick’s Day 2020…

Mountains of Pomeroy March

Éamonn na Chnoic

Dirty Old Town

Foggy Dew followed by The Minstrel Boy

The Minstrel Boy

Walshe’s Hornpipe: The Lunch-timers! Well done!

The Rookery Reel: The Lunch-timers:

All of us again!

Sweeney’s Polka & Kerry Polka

Tóg Amach Mé: Thanks to Mr. McDonnell for teaching us this one!


Míle Buíochas Banna Ceoil!

Tosóimid ag seinm ceoil le chéile arís tar éis na  Cásca.

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Cook @ Home with GOOGLE & A Little Help from US!


Last week we met to cook and complete a grammar quiz…..

While we are all home we can help in the kitchen. Here is a great Google Recipe for a SWEET OMELETTE…

Sweet breakfast omelette. Yes, really! It’s delicious!


Begin by separating the egg yolk and egg white…. Look at our easy way to do this! It works every time!

Whisk the egg whits to a meringue…. The TEST of a job well done is to hold them over someone’s head…. upside down! We did well!

Mix the egg yolks with yogurt and sugar, and then mix with the meringue. It is really fluffy…..

Fry for 5 minutes and place the pan under the grill till golden brown. Share using FRACTIONS! Top with yogurt, fruit and jam. Delicious! Try this at home


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Dirty Old Town notes and lyrics

Here are the notes and lyrics for Dirty Old Town so you can practice them at home.

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The Moon and Sixpence Puppet Theatre

The Moon and Sixpence Puppet Theatre came to the school today to entertain the Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st and 2nd classes. Their performance of Little Red Riding Hood was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The show had some important messages including the importance of recycling and the girls and boys learned a new song about picking up litter (See the video below).

A big thank you to the Parents Council who funded the show.

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Aistear theme for February: The Doctor

For the month of February the Junior Infants’ monthly Aistear theme was ‘The Doctor’.

See below for all we have learned. We hope you enjoy our video!

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3rd Class, Rm.28 Tóg Amach mé.

Here are the notes and lyrics for Tóg Amach Mé on the Tin Whistle so that you can practice them at home.

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Our Spring Nature Walk

Senior Infants went on a spring walk to the school garden today. We were looking for signs of spring. Checkout our photo story!

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Book Creation in Room 3

In preparation for the Little Red Riding Hood puppet show at the end of the week, Room 3 have been busy coming up with their own version of Little Red Riding Hood.

Click here to view the story that Room 3 came up with!


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6th class- Confirmation

The Confirmations of 2020 are on the 29th of February in the Sallins church.
The candidates have been learning about the fruits, gifts and the symbols of the holy spirit leading up to their Confirmation. On the 29th of January the candidates had their ceremony of light, this is their second step in their Confirmation journey the first step being the enrollment mass, on the 18th of October. Mrs. MacNamara taught them all the songs for the Ceremony of Light e.g. Moving on up, the Psalm and Christ be our Light. Some of them will be included in their Confirmation. They have been learning lots of new prayers for the conformation such as the Nicene Creed and the Gloria. They have been doing lots of work in their religion book and thinking about what the holy spirit would do in some hard situations.
We know that they are looking forward to their confirmation and becoming adults in the eyes of the church.
Written by Molly, Naoise, Emma and Lili-Rose. Mr. Kennedy’s class.

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Ceremony of Light 2020

On the 9th of January 2020 the sixth classes had their Ceremony of Light in Sallins church at 7:30pm. We wore our uniforms and we brought our Baptismal candles . We sang songs, we had Seán bring up the Paschal candle, Charlie read a reading from Isaiah. Kate, Leah and Ailbhe sang the Psalm.

We had our Confession and afterwards our parents brought up our candles to have them lit. They passed the candle on to us we said a prayer and extinguished the flame. We sang the last song of the mass and the priest ended the mass. We really enjoyed the evening and we are excited to make our Confirmation!

We would like to thank all the priests who took part in the mass, all sixth class teachers and Ms. MacNamara for helping us learn our prayers and songs.

By Leah, Calum and Lee.

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The Student Council Bake Sale

We had our first bake sale on Wednesday 19th February to fund raise for mirrors for all students’ bathrooms. We raised €795. That was so much more than we expected. Every class in the school got to attend. The food that was left over was donated to two charities – the Peter McVerry trust for the homeless and The Dining Room table, Newbridge. It was a huge success but this was only possible due to all that was contributed. So a huge thank you to all the students and their parents for all the delicious and professional looking baked goods. There was so much effort put into all the baking. We had a fantastic experience selling and meeting people. We had a great time and were very proud of the event. Hopefully we can do it again.

Thank you from the Student Council.

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Mini Scientist Regionals 2019

Investigation: What is the science behind roller-coasters? Team members; Chloe, Kate, Lucy & Ailbhe.

We had to get up at 7:00am as our bus was leaving at 7:30 am😪. The bus ride felt so long as we were so tired!When we arrived at Blanchardstown IT we set up our board and roller-coaster. The event started at 9:00 am.

We had a lot of time to check out all of the other projects. The judges came around to us at about 11:00 am. We explained our project to them . After that we got our lunch and watched a science show by science Sue. We were called up to the stage to assist Sue in her experiments.  Her theme was potential and kinetic energy so we were experts!

Then at about 1:30pm it was the award ceremony.
The judges called out the names of the projects moving forward on to the next round. We didn’t hear our names straight away so we were having doubts😓 . But then, we heard our names being called out! We ran up to the stage and received our medals and trophy!🏆

We got our pictures taken with the Intel judges with our rewards. We took down our rollercoaster and wrapped our board in a plastic bag and went home on the mini bus.🚌

Our beautiful and shiny trophy🏆

Us getting advice from the balloon lady🎈

Submitted by: Kate and Chloe from 6thclass



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B Team Rugby Matches.

Our Rugby team has had 4 matches so far and still have 1 more to play
So far they lost 3 matches and have drawn1.
The first and second match were played in Clongowes Wood College(Clane) against Willow Park and St.Gerald’s. The third was against St.Gerald’s again, and the fourth was in CUS (Catholic University School).
The next match they will be playing on the 25th of February and it will be against Willow Park in their own school.
Last year only 9 girls had joined the rugby team to play on the B, C and D teams,however this year 13 girls  joined the rugby team.

The B teams Jersey’s:

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6th Class Boys Soccer

The 6th Class soccer team played 3 games against Kildare schools. Our first match was against Ballymany school in Newbridge.

We played Ballymany in Newbridge Town astro. It was a very tight game. The score finished 2-2. We started the match brightly and got a deserved goal by Jake Connolly. Around five minutes later Ballymany scored to go level. Both teams came close to scoring but the  game finished 1-1 at the end of the first half.

We came out strong in the second half and dominated the first 15 minutes and Cameron Keane scored a brilliant goal to get us ahead. We fought very hard but they scored a fluky goal near the end. It was a great performance from the team. We are currently in preparation for the 5 aside blitz in Kilcullen astro.

By Brady and Charlie from Mr Kennedy’s 6th class.

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Mini Scientist happens each year. A team can be made up of three or four people. Every team asks them selves a question and they’ve got four weeks to answer it. On the day everybody presented their investigation to the judges. The winners of Mini Scientist of 2019 were Kate, Ailbhe, Chloe and Lucy and their investigation was ‘What is the science behind rollercoasters?’. They will move on to the next round and we wish them the best of luck.👩‍🔬

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Rugby match against S.T. Gerards

On the 23th of January ,Mr Kelly and Mr Monahan took the rugby team up to St. Gerard’s to play their 4th rugby match against St. Gerards. Mr Kelly took the D team and Mr Monahan took the A team, with parents and fourth year students helping with the B and C teams. With varied results;
the A team won 5 tries to 2,
the B team drew 5 tries each ,
the C team won 10 tries to 0
and the D unfortunately lost 2 tries to 4

The A team jerseys and the Aldi rugby balls.

Thanks to St. Gerald’s for a great day of rugby.

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6th class book fair 2020

The book fair is on the 12th, 13th and 14th of February.  It comes to our school every year and has lots of new books for all ages. It is in the school small hall. There are lots of books for all ages. You can buy books from 9 o’clock to 4 o’clock.

There are books from all categories such as gaming, fiction, non-fiction and adventure. The prices range 4 euro to 14 euro. You can help us get books for our school because every book you get is one for our school. The main books they have are Dog Man, David Williams books, Tom Gates, The Wizards Of Once and Diary of a Wimpy Kid Wrecking Ball. There are books ranging from two plus to thirteen plus. Everyone loves the book fair!


Written by Liam, Cillian and Matthew in Mr.Kennedy’s 6th class.


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6th Class Bake Sale!!!!!

On the 19th of February 2020
The student council are raising money for mirrors in the bathrooms and goals for the new astro pitch.
Max amount of money allowed to be brought is 2 euro.
3rd to 6th class are allowed to bake.
Us pupils in 6th class are so excited for the bake sale to come.
You are not allowed to use nuts in any way possible.

Posted by Coryn, Ayobami and Martha.





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Aistear Theme for January: Home and Houses

For the month of January the Junior Infants’ monthly Aistear theme was Homes and Houses. They have been busy and active and have learned a lot.  Please click on the video below to see what they have been creating:


We hope you enjoy,


The Junior Infants 🙂

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Na Ceannabháin Bhána: New to the band Wednesday 5th February 2020

After a wonderful day out at The Sound of Music last Thursday we met again to play our pieces and set new goals.

In March we will celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge:

Here is our new SLIP JIG:

First time playing it today….. 🙂

Starting off slowly….. we will build up speed with practice. Thank you Mr Kelly.


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Student Council – Bake Sale Fundraiser

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