Sallins National School

A blog by students…for students!

Room 21: 6th Class making White Clay this week!

This week in Room 21 we made White Clay

  Thanks to Miss Macnamara so give her a big thank you!

If you would like to make the clay at home here is the recipe:

Mix one cup of bread soda with half a cup of corn flour. Add three quarter cups off water and cook over a gentle heat. Keep stirring so it doesn’t stick to the pot until it forms a soft dough.  Off you go!

look out for more blogging soon

bye for now   from Lily and Kate 🙂


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Sallins National School Sensory Room: A Calm & Relaxing Place

Some more work has been done in our Sensory Room. Thank you to the Parents’ Council for helping fund raise with us! Yesterday we went over to check out the atmosphere.

It was very calming and relaxing. We have a new Lava Lamp that makes the room glow with warm red and pink light. We also have a a light box that changes colour and fills the the room with a rainbow of colours.

The Yoga Balls are lovely to relax on and help with your balance. It is nice to lie under the weighted blanket and let your mind empty of any stress or worry. Before leaving we had a competition on the wobble board! My turn to win 🙂

Check it out!


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