Sallins National School

A blog by students…for students!

Paper Making Fun In Senior Infants

Senior Infants have been making paper in class from recycled paper, with help from Mrs. Crowe.  We had lots of fun and learned how paper is made.

We liked tearing up the used paper and squishing it in the water to make pulp!

Squishy, messy work!

Getting ready to turn the pulp into new paper.

Once we drained the water from the pulp it started to look like paper! Then we added things to the paper like dried flowers and glitter.

We used sponges to get more water out of the paper.

Pressing the new paper!

After a few days our paper is now ready to use. We can’t wait to use it for our Christmas Art!

We would like to say a big ‘Thank you’ to Mrs. Crowe for coming in to help us.


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