Sallins National School

A blog by students…for students!

Ms. O’ Donovan’s Room 12 makes Carbon Dioxide



MATERIALS: bread soda, vinegar

APPARATUS: balloon, a bottle


STEP ONE; Pour the vinegar into the bottle. Pour in enough to fill a quarter of the bottle.

STEP TWO: Put 4 teaspoons of bread soda into the balloon.  Next, attach the balloon to the bottle.

STEP THREE: Be sure the balloon is facing upwards. Last stand back and wait! (You may need to stand near a sink for this!)

RESULT: We discovered that the bread soda mixes with the vinegar to make a gas called carbon dioxide CO2.  This gas blows up the balloon for a minute or two. This happens because the bread soda is mainly made of sodium, hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. The vinegar changes the parts causing a gas to be released which inflates the balloon.

Here are some photographs of our experiment!






Busy Hands.. if we make more we can learn to juggle!


We followed a video for instructions!


Ancient Greece: Myths & Legends: 3rd Class Room 26

This afternoon we designed our own Greek Vases of the Myths and Legends…

We are still working on them.

Come back next week to see how they look!

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Beebot visits Second Class

Following the Beebot’s enjoyable visit to third class, we had some fun with the Beebot, while developing our  positional language.

We recorded some directions and counted steps forward and sometimes backwards!

Thank you to third class for the very helpful post below and providing a wonderful demo.


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Recipe for Friendship by Ms. Reidy’s Second Class Room 25


First  we decided what makes a good  friend.

Next we called  these  our ingredients.

Then we drew a picture of our friends.

Last we coloured in our pictures.

Can you see what ingredients make a good friend?

Here are some samples!



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Our Lovely Winter Paintings: Room 28

Look at our lovely winter pictures! Jack Frost came…. so we did winter art. Today we did our lovely winter pictures. Come back when they are hanging up…. NEXT WEEK



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